Carrot dolma - Stuffed carrots with meat and peas -

Published on by Melissami

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dolma carotte


700g meat
1.500 kg of carrots
1 onion
A handful of peas
1/2 bunch parsley
1 tbsp of oil
salt, black pepper, cinnamon
For the stuffing:
500g minced meat
1/2 bunch parsley
1 onion
1 egg
salt, black pepper, cinnamon

Method of preparation:
Brown the meat (cut into pieces) with the chopped onion in 1 tbsp oil for about 10min. Season.
Cover with water and leave to cook.
Prepare the filling: mix the ingredients.
Hollow out  the carrots, then fill with the stuffing.
When the meat is almost cooked, arrange carrots in the sauce, add the peas and cook over a low heat.

Shape the rest of the filling into small meatballs and incorporate them into the pot.
Cook until the sauce is reduced.
Serve with chopped parsley and lemon.

dolma de carottes ou carottes farcies a la viande

dolma de carottes

Published on Algerian cuisine

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